Saturday, September 25, 2010


Disclaimer: Don't read this if you're sensitive. Or pro life. 

Shit like Family Circus doesn't make me laugh. That makes milk crawl up my nose. Like there's one, where the little ginger girl with the ponytail is standing in a field looking at a butterfly, and she says "I like butterflies. They don't sting or bite, they just flutter". What the fuck?
The caption should have been "Oooh shit, I thought that enema would never come out". (I stole that, just so you know.. from it's hilarious.) Anyway, if you read that, you'll know I have a sick, sick sense of humour.

I love dead baby jokes. And abortion jokes. And racist jokes. It's pretty easy to make me laugh. Unless you write Family Circus.

This is a request from Alexia, asking "Do a blog about your abortion jokes!". I don't have any abortion jokes. I have a joke that is about both dead babies and abortions.

Here goes.

Q: What's red and crawling up your leg?
A: An abortion with homesickness.

Q: How do you fit 30 babies in a bucket?
A: A blender.
Q: How do you get them out?
A: Doritos.

Q: What's more fun than swinging a baby around at 250 mph on a clothes line?
A: Stopping it with a shovel.

Q: Why did the foetus cross the road?
A: Because they moved the dumpster.

Q: How do you make a dead baby float?
A: Take your foot off its head.

Q: Why did the baby fall out of the tree?
A: Because it was dead!

Q: How do you stop a baby from choking?
A: Take your dick out of its mouth!

Q: What is special about a dead baby over all other forms of life?
A: You can achieve deep throat from whichever way you enter.

Q: Why did the baby cross the road?
A: It was stapled to the chicken.

Q: What do you get when you cut a baby into pieces?
A: An erection.

Q: What's the worst thing about having sex with a dead baby?
A: Wiping the blood off your clown suit.

I fucking told you.

P.S. I stole ALL of this from

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