Wednesday, September 1, 2010


If I'm not in the bath, I detest being naked. It's not that I hate my body or anything, not that I'm the I'm an image of perfection or anything, but yes. If I'm not in my bathroom, I refuse to be naked. At the very least, a towel is required, if I must make a run to my conjoined bedroom to get pyjamas. I don't even have to go through a hallway, it's my bathroom, and it's connected to my room. But I have this constant paranoia that mother will do her knock-twice-and-not-wait-for-my-acquiesence-before-opening-the-door thing. She terrifies me in that way. I'm also always terrified that she will turn off the router. Because she does. Every night. Because she doesn't seem to realise that the internet is super awesome, and I like it. Though it does get me to bed earlier.

Anyway, so a while back, a bunch of my friends were liking things like "Being naked" or "chillin naked after showers because you're too lazy to get dressed". I thought "WELL, I hate being naked. Surely there's a group/fanpage for that!"... nope. Apparently, everyone enjoys being in their birthday suits but me.

I can't be the only one! I'm merely shy! It's just the way I was raised. My mother and father make me feel like I should wear a nun's garb all the time. More my father than my mother, because she's more of a fashionista. My dad's greatest fear is that I'll become a typical valley girl that chews gum all the time, says "like" every two words and worst of all: wear short shorts with tank tops and flip flops.

I can't say I would ever do that anyway, I'm not comfortable with shorts anyway. Too much leg. Plus, with the neverending sun of Arizona, I would get a tan.

I would look horrendous with a tan. Plus, I'm probably getting one from cross country anyway. I'd rather not add to it by not wearing anything. I mean, I just don't get the whole sunbathing thing. Tans are stupid. Tans = skin cancer. Skin cancer = no bueno.

If you're naturally dark, that's just fine, but if you're pale, I don't see the point of sitting in the sun all the time, or getting fake tans by going to salons/tanning booths.

But that's just my opinion. I guess some people would look terrible if they were pale.

Me in my glorious paleness.  

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