Thursday, September 9, 2010

Going to the Doctor

Ok, so if you didn't know, I have a terrible, terrible fear of needles. They are the scariest thing in the world. Except sometimes when I'm laying in my bed, and the stupid part of my subconscious (which takes up rather a lot of my brain) decides to whisper to the rest of my brain "Hey, I bet Saduko/Slender Man/the possessed girl from the Exorcist is standing right next to your bed". Fuck you, subconscious.
Anyway, back to the needles. I'm pretty sure this dates back to when I was getting a flu shot around the age of.... 7-ish, and Mother decided to get the shot first so I could see what happened, and that it didn't hurt. The only thing that registered in my mind was "There is a sharp thing penetrating my mother's arm, and it's about to do the same to me". Instinct? RUN! But no, I was smarter than that.

And then, another time, I went on a class trip to Greece with my Latin class (when I lived in London, right before I moved), and just so you know, apart from this one incident, it was absolutely amazing. Anyway, I tripped and fell on some gravel one day, because my balance isn't so hot when it's like 40 degrees out. Very hot. For a Londoner, mind you. Anyway, it actually took Mme Ratureau telling me there was blood running down my neck for me to find out I had cut my chin. Ordinarily, my pain threshold is extremely low, so this was strange. Shock? Hmm... So we went to the local hospital, and the doctor wanted to put a big fucking needle in my face. Well not my face, like under my chin, where no one can see. The scar is not visible unless you look pretty closely, luckily. But this man, who I didn't know, that didn't speak English or French, wanted to *convulses at the thought of what he wanted to do* put stitches in me, AKA sew me up with a needle. After injecting me with a needle. My mind was going FUCK THAAAT and later, my friend Maddie was telling me that she legitimately got scared looking into my eyes, because I was so fucking terrified.

So yeah, those were the reasons why I hate needles. And then, I found out last year that I have to get 3 HPV shots. This is pretty much my worst nightmare. Three. I got the first one in November (what a great birthday present) (my birthday is in November if you didn't get that.......), and pretty much punched the nurse. It's not even the pain, it didn't hurt at all. But screw the idea of putting sharp things in my body. This is why I'm so scared to get pierced ears. Though I want them, because otherwise Mother will have to give all her pretty earrings to my brother's wife when she dies. Because he'll have one someday. But don't think I'm morbid or wishing for my Mother's death, though she is a tad aggravating, but this is actually how she's trying to get me to pierce them. But I had to go to the hospital for a physical so I could do Cross Country about 3 weeks ago, and "while I was there" Mother thought it would be a good idea for me to get a flu and HPV shot. Luckily, they do flu shots in some nasal thing, so that was fine, but I flat out refused to get the HPV shot. Then my nurse pulled out this book and said "This girl came in a few years ago, and also only got one shot. Two years later she came in with genital warts." Frankly, that didn't scare me all that much, because I intend to be celibate for a while longer (not till marriage or anything, I don't plan to marry either), because you know... pregnancy and stuff. I hate babies, but I don't really want an abortion, though I joke about them all the time. All the time. 

But Mother seemed to be under the impression that I was going to aspire to be a hooker/stripper/sket when I was older, so she kept threatening me with genital warts.
I was pretty much ready to get the goddam injection just to make her stop saying genitals warts. I've told you before, I don't discuss these things with my Mother, though she tries. Sometimes. 

And it's profusely awkward. 

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