Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My Parents

Okay, so I'm not all that close with my mother. I'll just put that out there before I say anything else. Keep it in mind. She's really nosy, and goes through my trash, and harasses me to do stuff all the time. The part that bothers me the most is the "going through my trash" part. Harassing is pretty normal. If she didn't my room would be ...... *looks about messy room* ...... messier. And my bed unmade. And I would probably go to bed at midnight every night. And regret it every morning when I wake up at 6:45.

So I suppose I appreciate that.

Still. Oh, and my door refuses to lock, and mother doesn't really knocking.. or she does, but she'll knock twice really quietly, not wait for my reply, and 1 second later, she's in my room. My room is my bubble. I don't like when people invade my bubble. Unless they're my friends. I don't mind not having privacy with my friends, frankly. I'm pretty open with them.

My dad is much better about this, probably because he would be super embarrassed for the rest of his life were he to walk in on me in just a towel. Because I'm never naked outside my bathroom. I'll get back to that. He's also just as cynical as I am. We're a cynical family, you see. Except my sister. She's the nicest person in the world, born to help others.

I'm not like that. I hate helping others. I found out today that I have to do community service to graduate from TPA, and my immediate reaction was WTF I HATE HELPING PEOPLE AND NOT GETTING MONEY FOR IT. But then, the person who broke the terrible news to me reminded me that I could get community service by going to the humane society and playing with puppies. I like puppies.

I like all baby creatures. Unless they're human. Stupid human babies.. smh I'm so not having children...

Anyway, the reason I thought of this as a post was because I'm too nervous to swear in front of them (except like damn or something, because that's not really a swear word), and yet they say pretty much every cuss word under the sun in front of me.

I did an online class (or 3) last year in order to go to TPA, and one of them was really irritating because my bitch teacher was like NO I'M GIVING YOU AN 89% EVEN THOUGH YOU WORK ON MY CLASS 6 HOURS A DAY. She gave me an A eventually because I went to her house and murdered her family, so it's ok, but anyway, when I was yelling about my teacher to my dad he said "Write an e-mail to her saying "Go fuck yourself, motherfucker". I tried really hard not to laugh. I feel weird laughing when my parents make a joke involving swearing. Because then they will know I swear. O___O They probably know, frankly, but you know..

Though I think my dad heard me yell "I FUCKING WANT" today when he came home because I saw a super duper awesome Doctor Who poster that said "this poster is bigger on the inside".  Because when my parents aren't home, I swear a lot. It's like "FREEDOOOOMMMM" And I run around swearing no matter if I'm really angry, or in a fabulous mood. 

Or just meh. 

I'm going to go bathe now. 

Au revoir!

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