Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Not sure what to talk about, so I'll ramble

So, it's been a while, and I feel like I'm neglecting you five. But I don't really have anything in particular to blog about.

OH. Ok, so in music, at the end of the quarter I had a big test, but I was busy vomiting, so I missed it, and then he counted it as a zero on the test, because I couldn't make it up in time. Because I was vomiting. So I get my report card, and I freak out because there is a big fat D where there should be a B. Now I've made up the test, and I have a B again. But it really pissed me off! Dick move, Dr. W!

It's a penis, but a potato too. 

MMK ALSO Homecoming was last week-end, and I got asked by a-certain-person-that-I-don't-like-in-that-way and I grimaced and shook my head because I fucking hate dancing, and I would have been a terrible date, because I would have just glared at him the whole time for taking me to such a piece of shit, and also it would have been awkward. I was kind of flattered, because I get asked out rather infrequently, so yeah, but then even that got taken away from me because he asked someone else and she rejected him, so she recommended that he ask me because she thought I liked him. Wat. No. Fuck that. I'm not a second choice. I'm fucking awesome. And I felt all bad about rejecting him, and explained later that I really hate dances and stuff, but NO. I SHOULDN'T FEEL BAD. Dick.
Still, he's pretty nice.
I like someone else anyway :3
Sorry that came off as bitchy, but I'm kind of pissed off about it!
But then, we had a cross country meet the day of the dance, and I was all "Oh I'm not going. Fuck that shit." but then my dad has to do something and Mother has a cello lesson, so they can't pick me up, leaving me with no other option, but to go to homecoming with a team-mate. So I went and it was lame, so I went home after an hour and a half, and I hope I didn't make anyone feel bad, I just wanted to go home and be antisocial.
Anyway. Last week wasn't great.

I hope he doesn't read this. Shit.

Whatever. FEEL BAD ASSHOLE. (bitch Callan)

I'm just kidding. (good Callan)

NO I'M NOT WHAT THE FUCK. (bitch Callan)

YES YOU ARE NOW SHUSH. (good Callan)

I have two personalities if you were wondering. One interacts solely with adults and strangers(Good Callan) and the other with people I'm comfortable with (Bitch Callan).

Bitch Callan is someone to fear.

But generally, I'm a mix of the two. Unless I'm in class. But if I'm not that I have a  mouth so foul you would be surprised, because I look like Good Callan. Bitch Callan looks like a total dick.

I'm sorry person-I-rejected, but that was Bitch Callan. Good Callan would just ignore it, but Bitch Callan is pissed off.

Good Callan is just going to implode someday, I swear. She pushes all the shit that happens that pisses her off deep down inside her, and when the day comes that she implodes, there will be ONLY BITCH CALLAN. Oh yes.

Now I'm not making any sense. It's 11:30, and I'm shit tired. I still have homework to do.


Eh, there's very little. I'll do it this week-end. I never have much homework on week-ends, so whatever. Plus I'm going to miss minimum the first 2 classes tomorrow and the day after since I'm redoing my AIMS test for the purpose of exceeding. Then on friday, I'm not going to school because I have Cross Country regionals which are really scary because they take place at this total bitch of a place called Freestone Park and it's just hills and grass. We ran it on Monday, and it was so bad I couldn't do it, so I sat it out, and then it brought bad my mother-fucking shin splints on top of the pain in my hip. *sigh* I swear that sport makes me an old lady. I like it though, I'm doing it again next year. Then I'm doing soccer and track.

Now I'm really tired, and I'm out of stuff to sa- OH WAIT.

I just want to say Adam Ant is extremely sexy.

I want in his pants. 

Ok, bye.

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