Saturday, August 21, 2010

Well I'm off to a bad start.

Well hello there, I'm Callan. I created a blog today so that I could follow a friend of mine.. who also created a blog today. I'm a sheep okay? 
I was creating my profile and um, I did not realise this until I was done, but I failed more than I intended to. 
My name on here is CallanFailsFrequentlally, and I'm not sure how it happened but.. I.. *sigh* forgot the S in fails. 

Frequently in-fucking-deed. 

I don't know how to change it. Whatever, it matches Frequentlally. 
Though it bothers me a tad. I like the frequentlally. I do not like the lack of S on fails. 
So I'm going to blame it all on the fact that it is past midnight and I can't type when my computer is on my stomach. 

Anyway, the reason I'm blogging is not because I have an interesting life, or that I have a lot of spare time (I'll get back to that), but because as I said before, I'm a sheep, and Kaitie's doing it as of today. I like her blog. It's bueno. So yeah, I made one, and I have no idea if I'll ever write another. 

Back to the lack of spare time, I used to have a lot. A LOT. Partially because I just got off summer holidays, and also because the school I was at last year was really easy. I'm no genius, trust me, but it was kind of an idiot school.. not to say there weren't really intelligent people there, but there were a lot of people that.... would be forced to fight in World War 3 War of the Idiots. Because that is going to be necessary. There are too many people in the world, and it's no bueno that there are people out there that just won't be able to work anywhere much nicer than McDonald's. 

Perhaps you're catching on by now that I'm really cynical. And 15 years old. I got it from my mother and father, my grandparents on mother's side, and mother's grandparents (because I don't know who was the spawn of Mapes). Mapes, if you were wondering, was my great grandmother. I've never met her, but I've heard things that make me like her.
Here is an example to prove that I got my cynicism from her: she went to China when she was alive (lol jk no we stuffed her body and took her there) and was helping out all these depraved kids. She wrote in her journal at the bottom of one page "I feel so terrible for all these children, I just wish I could" then you had to turn the page, you know.. expecting her to say something along the lines of "adopt them all, and give them wonderful, happy lives". But no. (and this is why I love her). She said: ".. put them all on a boat, sail them out to the ocean, and sink it to put them out of their misery". 


I'm sure it's a terrible thing to think/laugh at these kinds of things, but maybe I'm a bad person. My aim in life is to make money, regardless of how. I would kill babies for $5. Yeah. 

Pray for my soul all you like, it's useless.

In case you hadn't guessed, I'm a strict atheist. And a conservative. And extremely pro-choice. Voting will be difficult.. But I'm 15 so I have time. In fact, the day I turn 18 will during an election year. However, I turn 18 seventeen days too late. Oh well, I don't give a damn who's president as long as they're not fucking everything up. 

But back to a little more of my life. (I get side-tracked easily)

I was born in New York on November 22nd 1994, making me 15 years old. When I was 2, I moved to London, because my dad was a banker and we moved a lot. In fact, my siblings and I were all born on different continents. My sister, who is 25, was born in London, my brother, who is 23, was born in Tokyo, and I was born in Manhattan. But since they're older than me, I've never actually lived in Japan, which makes me sad. But London was awesome, so it's ok. I'll go to Japan someday. (sidenote: I'm not one of those white people that wishes they were asian. I hate people like that. I'm looking at you, E****.) I attended a school called the Lycee Francais Charles de Gaulle de Londres, and if you can't infer from that, I speak French. All the classes were in French, except English (people ask all the time, so I thought I would clear that up). Primary/Elementary school was called Primaire, which I'm going to use instead, so keep that in mind. Once you got to 6th grade, you went into college. Not University-College, but college. University and College are different. Primaire kinda sucked. I mostly had bad teachers, and I was super shy, so I didn't have many (that means any) friends. Except that one creepy kid G********, who will remain creepy for the rest of his life. Once I got into 6th grade, I made a new friend: L***. What a bitch. I mean, we were best friends for like 2 years, but about a quarter of the way through the second year (in 7th grade), she became a stupid butt. She wanted to be older, and she made friends with people (to clarify, we both became friends with them), but then she would like talk shit about me to them so that they wouldn't be friends with me, and then I would have no friends. And thank god I re-met Jenna. We'd sort of known each other for a long time, but never been close. She invited me to sit at her lunch table, at which I met more people! Unfortunately, our lunch hours never coincided, so I had to wait until 8th grade to be in their class. But it was worth the wait. They were the best friends I had ever had, except Alexia, but that's another story. They were funny, and cool, and I just.. blended in. 8th grade was truly the happiest year of my life. But then, as an American, I thought "Maybe I belong even MORE in America!". We moved to Arizona that summer (my parents kinda wanted to as well). I started as a freshman at Corona del Shithole, and thus started one of the worst years in recent memory (I don't remember primaire all that well, or the whole thing with L***-Big-Ass <-also another story). My first day was so awful. Not one single person talked to me, except the teachers, and I cried at lunch, having eaten alone outside the class I had next. But Orchestra, which I had last period, saved my life. I would still be depressed if it weren't for Orchestra. 

Mother actually had to make me take it. I absolutely hated the idea, I assumed it was really geeky and would be a one-way ticket to loserville. No. Orchestra is so awesome. I made most of my friends in that class, and freshman year finally ended. Then I spent the summer seeing my friends from London who I missed so much. I spent 10 days with Alexia, 5 with Jenna, and 5 with Madeleine. Then I came back to Arizona and "helped" at the Juice Factory, which was a smoothie store my friend's older brother owned. Summer '09 was amazing, in other words. 

Then sophomore year started. It was slightly better than freshman year, but I was still kind of devoid of friends outside of Orchestra (I hate that I had different people in different classes.. too many names to learn). I went to Aztectown, during which one of my close non-Orchestra friends revealed herself to be a stupid dramatic lying bitch. I can't say more about the lying part, because that would violate the whole point of Aztectown. To prove her stupidity: we were in History/Geography, and she had difficulty find Russia. And China. To prove her dramatic...-ness: she would spaz about the slightest thing, and got really obsessed with things, like the whole emo trend (she's definitely not emo. no way), and music she doesn't actually like. And she was a bitch because I went shopping with her one time and I was going to try on jeans and I picked my size (3), and she said "no, you're not a 3! you're like a 5! or a 7!". I said "I'm a 3. The jeans I'm wearing are size 3". She, who is most definitely overweight, took the jeans I was holding and said, "Well they're stretchy, so I guess it's fine". Did I mention I'm incapable of being a bitch to someone's face? I just push it all down deep inside. Until now, I suppose. 

Gosh I sound really horrible. I've bitched rather a lot in this. I'll tone it down. By the time you get here, you shouldn't have as much bitchiness. Actually, scratch that, I've only bitched twice, and they deserved it. *glares* 

So. I stopped being friends with her. She made it clear she wanted to be friends, still, but I was like "Bitch, no." (in my head.) Sophomore year automatically became better. 

Then: summer. I went to see Alexia, and I only visited her, because she goes to Tennis Camp every year, so I can't really stay at her house if she's not there. That would be no fun, and awkward, but also because my friends from the Lycee hadn't gotten out of school yet (French schools don't let you out for summer until early July, but you go back in September). That was a shame, but I came back, saw my brother and sister, and saw my friends.

I'm too tired now, but I'll post more tomorrow. It's saturday, so I have nothing else to do. 


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