Saturday, August 21, 2010

To Alexia.


Alexia Willems is my best friend in the whole world. Unfortunately she lives in London, and I live in Tempe, and we only see each other once a year (though this year, maybe twice!). I met her when I was in 4rd grade (that took a second to figure out. The French system works backwards from 13 until 0 which is called Terminale. In French Terminer means to finish, so it makes sense. The reason I can figure American grades out is because 6eme = 6th grade. Or since you Americans have Preschool and Kintergarten or whatever, I can just go 13eme, 12eme, 11eme, 10eme, 9eme, 8eme (which is when I met Alexia), counting them off on my fingers and subtracting 2. It works). I was in M. Roch's class, who my brother had as a child as well. We met towards the end of the year, and apparently she only came over because I had a new puppy, Hobbes. (more on him and my other pets later) She had blonde hair, and was wearing loafers. I liked her loafers. We sat in the kitchen, petting Hobbes, who was the size of a teacup at the time, and then he got spooked by something and ran about the kitchen wee-weeing at the same time, leaving a trail of piss. It was hilarious, though it took some time to clean up. Alexia and I also bonded over Groovy Girl, the most amazing dolls on the Planet. They're better than Barbies because they're able to move, and there is so much more variety too. There are literally like 100 different dolls, each with names. Some of them I hated, like Celeste, so I just changed it. Anyway, Alexia and I started having sleep-overs like every week-end. I had my first sleep-over with her. I had a lot of fun at first, it being like a play date, but once we were going to bed, I got scared. But whatever I was like 8 so, yeah. I stayed though. At the beginning of my 4eme (8th grade), she left to go to the American School in London, where her brother went. She didn't move or anything, so it didn't change much, since we were in different years (she's 10 months younger than me) and I hung out with Jenna and Madeleine etc at school anyway. We remained very close, and continued having sleep-overs. At the end of 4eme, the most amazing year of my life, I moved to Arizona. I thought I wanted to, but I was wrong. I miss each and every one of my friends dearly. I saw Alexia a year later, and had 10 fun-filled days with her during which we played Thief and freaked out when we died, and went shopping, and then I got a macbook this January of 2010, so we could videochat, which is just the most incredible invention ever, and saw her in person that summer, and we went shopping some more, but didn't play Thief because it had gotten freakier, because the Thief was now in a dilapidated mental hospital with a little girl's voice. Yeah. She might be visiting this Spring Break, and I'm excited!
Alexia, I love you :] Happy birthday.

Note: She is molesting my face.

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