Saturday, August 21, 2010

I have a follower!!!

Hi Chelsea!

By following me, you have boosted my self-esteem. Thank you. ^____^ You will get a dead baby in a box as a reward. I hope you like dead babies!

Also, I thought I should explain why I lack spare time. It's saturday, so I do actually have a few hours.  Today is the 21st of August (ooh that reminds me, I have another post to write specifically about my best friend. It's her birthday today!), and on the 9th of August, I started school at Tempe Preparatory Academy. I worked really really hard to get in. I had to take Algebra 2, Physics 1 and American History (because the French don't like America, I thought Lincoln was the first president. I still don't know any American History, though.). Algebra and Physics had to be taken at the same time at the end of my sophomore year at Corona, when I was preparing for final exams (which I will describe in detail later, because one of them really pissed me off), and each one took about an hour and a half each every day. I got As on both though! I'm still pretty bad at Physics and Algebra. If you're not getting the hint, I don't recommend online classes. Then, at the end of my summer, I had to do American History. It being summer, I was in lazy-mode, so I kept putting it off, but still got an A because my teacher loved me for reasons I can't explain. Maybe because the other people in the classes couldn't spell candidate. (candydut?) I was getting excited, thinking "I'm so ready for a new school! It's an opportunity to make so many new friends, (seeing as I had very few at Corona) and widen my horizons (is that the expression? whatever). My dad was so proud and bragged to everyone he knew about how hard I was working to get to TPA (anacronym for my school if you hadn't guessed), even though he helped me a LOT with all 3 online classes, because I'm terrible at all things remotely mathematical, and end of summer + school = no bueno.

So school started, I had my uniform

which isn't bad, but not great, I'm getting used to it, and the photo quality is bad. I'll come visit you in my uniform and you shall see that it's better than the photo makes it look. Just saying. So I had my school stuff:

That pile grew too. I had like 6 more books. I just didn't have them at the time, and I didn't take another picture. Well I did, I just didn't upload it...
Anyway, it seemed ok, my teachers were all pretty nice. I had math with Mr. D, who is the brother of a guy my mom had a crush on in high school (I have no idea why she told me that..), and he's really nice, but you know...........math.
Then I had Humane Letters (english + history?) with Mrs. H, who has a bad reputation, but I love her, and she's my cross country coach, which I haven't started yet, because I need a physical.... I hate physicals. Mother insists on being in the room with me. ITS REALLY AWKWARD. I'm not close enough to my Mother to want to be in the same room as her when I'm mostly naked. Back to my school story. Humane Letters lasts 2 hours, which actually don't seem all that long. It's a bueno class, in my opinion.
Followed by Physics with Mr. A, and physics is........................................horrible. No other way to put it. The first day was fine, because we didn't talk about physics at all. We went around the room and said things about ourselves. And Mr. A is nice.
And it being the first day, there was not lunch, therefore no awkward looking for somewhere to sit, which I appreciated. Then I had Spanish with Mr. C. I freaked out inside when I walked in and he started speaking Spanish. You see, I didn't take Spanish my sophomore year, because I couldn't drop any of my other classes (including Orchestra, because I love it), so I was rusty, to say the least.
Finally I had my last class, Music, or whatever I'm supposed to call it. Choir, Theory, whatever.. My teacher is SO. AWESOME. OMGAD. He's DR. W. DOCTOR!!1!!1111 He has his doctorate in piano, and he is just the most amazing music teacher I've ever had in my life. EVAR. I'm a terrible singer, so the fact that we have to sing worries me a tad, but I'm still cool with this class, because he plays piano sometimes. Yeah. We (and by we I mean the rest of the class, because it was some song they learned last year or whatever) were singing and he was improv-ing on the piano. I COULD SWEAR there was music in front of him. It was so amazing. Mr. Du (because there's already a Mr. D, and he teaches me Math now) (CDS teacher), kiss Dr. W's ass. You suck.

This being the first day, it was pretty ok. Looking back on my first day at Corona, I had fairly high hopes.


Day 2: Math. Was. Scary. Mr D started teaching. Ohh math, I hate you.
But I didn't lose it until Humane Letters when we started studying the Iliad. (in my head "oh dear god") I started crying, which sounds terrible, but I'm an emotional person. That is how it is. Not like, super obvious blubbering, but I went really red, and sniffed a little. I wanted nothing more than to go back to Corona.
That though went on until Spanish. Because I hate Physics too. I did actually find someone to sit with at lunch, which was an unexpected moment of YESSSSS. It was a tad awkward, but I felt better. Then Spanish came, and I realised "Hey, I'm not that rusty!", then Music. Dr. W is just awesome, so yeah.

That first week got better as it went on, though I did break down again on the night of Day 2 at like midnight. I woke up my dad and howled and sobbed about how much I hated TPA and I wanted to go back to Corona. He said "Give it some time". I hate that goddam answer. That should be illegal. Because it's never precise.
He wants me to stay a year. He's bribing me, and I'm accepting. I can't say with what, because I feel bad for accepting it, since it's so awesome, but I'm staying.

Week 2 just ended, and it's been alright. I've found a person to sit with regularly, and once or twice people will come join us, like 2 really nice girls from my class came once, which I appreciated, and another time it was the girl I ate with the first day, and we talked about sports. During this discussion I decided to do Cross Country, followed by Soccer, followed by Track. I'm excited.

I have to go have lunch.


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