Monday, November 15, 2010


First off, I would like to mention something that irritates me. Freshman year, I had to create a blog for my English class. We didn't use it, but I named it CrazyDavesDominatrix, because I was a weird Freshman. And now, every time I get on this site, it decides to log me on as that instead of CallanFailFrequentlally, and it's annoying.

My dominatrix days are over.

Anyway, back to the subject of the blog: dreams.

My sleep in general is weird. Like when I have a sleep-over, I'm usually told the next morning that I did bizarre things in my sleep, like have sex with them.

I'm kidding of course. That only happened once.

But last week-end, I slept over at my friend Megan's house, and the next morning she told me that at about 3 in the morning, I just sat up and said "What is that? What. What. What. What." for about a minute, and then just lay down and was asleep.

And I have sleep-walked before. I got up, knocked on Mother's bedroom door, when back in my room, into my bathroom, locked the door, and did nothing. I had woken Mother up, and eventually I came out, and she put me back in bed.

But then, there are my dreams. They're really weird. Like the one where I had to take 20 strawberries from a black girl with a basket full of raspberries.

ON A SEPARATE NOTE: I was reminded of this when I typed raspberries, and there were little red dots under it because I forgot the 'p'. Am I the only one that has spelled it rasberries for ever, and then was completely weirded out by the presence of this ghostly 'p'?

Back to dreams. Last night, I got up at 6, because I had a dream that there were a bunch of people from different schools (therefore different schedules) living in my house, and they used my bathroom to get ready. I decided in my semi-consciousness that I might as well get up, because I wasn't going to be able to sleep through the sound of like 20 girls getting ready in my bathroom.

Even though I require a 113 decibel alarm clock to wake me up... My semi-consciousness is kind of an idiot.

I used to have night terrors, like the kind that would make me sit up and scream in the middle of the night. But those went away, and then they kind of came back for a while, and then they went away. I don't like scary dreams...

I also had really bizarre dreams as a child, like the kind that I could feel. The falling one is very common, but I also had this one where I was really really tiny in this room with a circle of gigantic monks around me, and the ropes holding their robes up were hanging on the ground, and I, being miniscule, tried to climb them, and then was traumatised by the echo-ing booms of their voices, so whenever I hear that kind of sound, even though that dream was like 12 years ago, I get scared.

This probably isn't very interesting to you, but I like my dreams... When they're amusing.

I will now tell you an amusing one. 

So I'm in the mall with Mother, and we go in to what looks like Banana Republic, and I'm shopping for some jeans.
I go to the jeans table, and this assistant lady comes and asks if I need any help, and since she's very irritating and persistant, I just grab 3 and run to the changing rooms. I realise I accidentally grabbed 3 bell bottoms, though I wanted skinny jeans, but in an effort not to face the irritating sales assistant again, I just go in.
But the changing rooms are like a lounge of sorts, because there are plushy chairs in the rooms, and in the one I selected, there's a young guy talking to an old guy. .. It's awkward, so I leave.
Then I'm looking for my purse, and there's an old guy having a heart attack in the chair I left it in, but then he's ok, and he gets up, but the purse.. it's gone! I ask the assistant if she's seen it and she says "Yes thank you".

If you enjoy my dreams, I can tell you more, but if you find them boring, tell me, and I'll stop haha

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