Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I just thought of this because there was a little ad on the side thingy of facebook saying "Where are the jobs, Mr. Boehner?" or something like that. I just saw the name and thought is that pronounced the way I think it's pronounced? And then I actually googled it. Unfortunately, it is not, in fact pronounced 'boner', but 'bayner'.

I think he's lying to himself.

I used to really hate my name. 'Callan'. It's so weird. I know three other Callans, and I'm related to two of them. The other one I just randomly met one time in Wyoming and I never saw him again. It was cool though. The two I'm related to are my cousins, Man Callan, and Boy Callan. I am Girl Callan.

I have a dude name.

I really wanted my name to be Beatrix, and I still really like that name, and if I ever have a child - and don't kill it, of course - that is what I would name her. I don't want a boy. Boys aren't fun to dress up. I really just want a doll.. I wanted to adopt for a long time, and before that, I wanted like six of my own children, called Rosemary, Thyme, Oregano, Basil, Ginger, and Paprika. Then I changed my mind because I realised that though those are pretty names, they're fucking weird. Paprika? Oregano? Thyme?
Then I decided on Beatrix, Elizabeth, Victoria and Temperance. Temperance is my favourite name. Then Beatrix.

But then I decided I hated children. So.

For a while, I wanted to be called by my middle name, Marion, and I actually insisted my friend call my Marion for a while. The French way, FYI. It was weird, so we stopped.

My sister calls me Waldo. That I like. Good name. Or small troll. I don't like that as much, but I laugh anyway.

I'm good humoured about insults. I have some friends that are really sensitive and hot headed that blow up at the slightest provocation, and steam about it for days. I'm just like "eh" and I move on.

Unless they're really bitchy. Like that dick... ummm... Bob. Yes. Bob. That will do. I fucking hate Bob. What a dick.

I got a comment on my youtube page though the other day that still pisses me off a little bit. Some guy noticed I put a comment on the new Michael Jackson single with Akon saying "629 PEOPLE CAN SUCK MY PENIS. THIS IS AMAZING". You know.. because 629 people disliked it. So he went on my page and said "No wonder u like MJ so fuckin much you look like him when he was young you big nose bitch". *ahem*

So I went on his page and noticed that all his favourite videos were of sexy girls dancing. I used this to my advantage. "i see all your favourites are of women you will never have sex with. even though i like my nose, i can get rhinoplasty. you can't fix creepy! :)". Or something. I just went on his page to check the accuracy. He deleted my comment.


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